Informational Webinars

Register below for our upcoming informational webinar series covering the Ph.D. & M.S. programs in pharmaceutical sciences, get tips and tricks for submitting your application, hear why our students chose the Gator Nation and have all of your questions answered by our admissions staff. This webinar series will take place every Wednesday in October at 12 p.m. ET.

WED., OCT. 9, 2024 AT 12 P.M. ET

Graduate Admissions Q&A

The graduate admissions team will provide an overview of the admissions requirements and deadlines for our graduate programs. They’ll share tips and advice to help you strengthen your application.

WED., OCT. 23, 2024 AT 12 P.M. ET

Review of Graduate Admissions + Q&A

Our graduate admissions team provides another chance to get the answers you need about the Pharmaceutical Sciences graduate program, the application process or anything else that you may still be wondering!