Use this form to resubmit your research presentation following the formatting requirements. All entries must be correctly resubmitted by 8am Wednesday, January 3 to be included in the upcoming event.
The formatting instructions are included below each section’s text block, as well as below for your reference. If there are any questions about these requirements, please contact
- Research Title:
- Written in Title Case, no more than 100 characters, including spaces.
- More formatting information is available here: NIH Formatting for Research Titles.
Example: Advancing Therapeutic Discovery and Development: Mechanistic Considerations for Drug Delivery
- Additional Authors:
- Authors should be listed by Last Name First Initial (with no period) and a comma between multiple authors.
- Do NOT include degrees, credentials, or titles for authors.
- Authors are limited to six; any additional authors after the first six should be referred to as et al.
- Do NOT include yourself as an additional author!
Example: Swaan P, Lamba J, Mahoney KR, McFarland KM, Gonzalez R, Johnson J, et al.