In certain circumstances, graduate students may need to request a leave of absence from their duties. This leave can apply to UF employment and/or academics. Please review the leave of absence policy and procedure to determine the best option for your circumstances, then submit a request form to initiate the leave of absence process. This request will be routed to your faculty advisor and graduate coordinator for review, then processed by the College of Pharmacy Office of Graduate Education and Human Resources teams. If you have any questions about the various types of leave or the process to take a leave of absence, please contact the Office of Graduate Education at
Types of Leave of Absences
Paid Personal Leave Days
Graduate assistants are entitled to five days of paid personal leave per semester. These days may not be used in increments of less than one day, and personal leave days do not accrue or roll over to the next term. More information about personal leave for graduate assistants can be found in the GAU Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Personal leave should be coordinated with the faculty supervisor and is not reported through the leave of absence request process.
Paid Family or Medical Leave
Graduate assistants may be eligible for up to eight (8) weeks of paid family leave during any 12-month period for one or more of the following reasons:
- The birth of a child and in order to care for that child within one year of birth;
- The placement of a child with the graduate assistant for adoption or foster care within one year of birth;
- The birth of a child through surrogacy and in order to care for that child within one year of birth;
- The serious health condition or death of an immediate family member; or
- A serious health condition of the graduate assistant which makes the graduate assistant unable to perform their duties.
The GA should provide written notice of the planned leave at least 30 days in advance, if possible. During leave, the GA’s healthcare coverage will remain in place, and if applicable, the tuition waiver shall also be maintained.
In the case of a serious health condition, the University may request medical verification from a health care provider. The University may also require the graduate Assistant to see a health care provider of the University’s choice and at the University’s expense.
In the event that both parents are graduate assistants, both are entitled to the eight (8) weeks of Paid Family Leave following the birth, foster care placement, or adoption of a child. If both parents work in the same department, their leave may not overlap.
Paid Family Leave must be taken as a complete leave of absence and cannot be broken into increments.
Unpaid Research or Personal Leave
Graduate assistants may request a leave of absence to pursue research related to their academic program or to attend to personal matters. The leave of absence must be approved by the faculty advisor and home department prior to the student taking leave. If circumstances require additional leave for longer than the originally agreed upon dates, the student must discuss this change with the faculty advisor and submit an updated request form. During leave, the GA’s healthcare coverage will remain in place. If applicable, the tuition waiver shall also be maintained.
Students requesting a leave of absence for the duration of a paid external internship are required to complete the Internship Form and submit in to the Office of Graduate Education in Canvas.
Leave Categories for Graduate Students
Academic Leave
With support from their faculty advisor, graduate students may request a leave of absence from their academics. If possible, academic leave should follow the academic calendar schedule to minimize interruption to the student’s academic progression. However, if the leave of absence must begin in the middle of an academic term, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with their instructors regarding coursework. An incomplete grade may be assigned for the course until the coursework requirements can be met, but must be resolved before the student will be eligible to graduate from the program.
Academic leave of absences, including the start and end dates, must be approved by the faculty advisor and home department prior to the student taking leave. If circumstances require additional leave for longer than the originally agreed upon dates, the student must discuss this change with the faculty advisor and submit an updated request form. Graduate students who do not enroll in coursework for three or more consecutive terms will be required to apply for readmission to the graduate program, and are not guaranteed admission.
Please note that students employed as graduate assistants may NOT continue to perform GA duties while on academic leave and must be placed on employment leave at the same time. Students are required to be actively enrolled in coursework to be eligible for graduate assistantship employment.
Employment Leave
Graduate students appointed on graduate assistantships may request a leave of absence from their employment. GAs on employment leave are not required to take academic leave at the same time, and may continue to enroll in coursework. The student should discuss this option with the faculty advisor before starting leave.
During the employment leave of absence, their GatorGradCare coverage will continue. The graduate assistant is responsible for the employee’s share of the monthly premium if the leave is unpaid, which can be collected in advance if possible or upon return from their leave. If applicable, the University’s tuition waiver is also to be maintained.
More information about GA leave of absences can be found on the UF Human Resources website.
Process for Taking a Leave of Absence
- Step 1: Review the types of leave and discuss your plans with your faculty advisor.
- Step 2: Submit a Leave of Absence Request using the provided form below.
- Step 3: Your request form will be routed to the COP HR office to initiate the leave process. A copy of this request will also be sent to your faculty advisor and graduate coordinator for their records.
- Step 4: COP HR will contact you directly to provide the appropriate paperwork. They may ask you for additional information to help determine your eligibility for leave.