About Us

Defining the Scope

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Our research spans the life cycle of the drug, to identify therapeutic targets, discover novel drug therapies and improve the use of existing drug therapies.

Clinical Pharmaceutical Science lab with Dr. Julio Duarte

By the Numbers

#3 In the nation for NIH, federal and total research funding per the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy

$41 Million In total research funding according to the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy

$35,000 Minimum stipend for Ph.D. students, with additional awards available

59 Graduate faculty mentors

160 On-campus Ph.D. and M.S. students across five concentrations

5 Research centers housed within the UF College of Pharmacy


Discover Greatness

Students in our pharmaceutical sciences graduate program train alongside world renowned researchers to discover and improve new drug targets, novel drug molecules and drug therapies to treat disease.

exterior photo of HPNP building Play Video


Mei He, Ph.D.

Dr. He’s research at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy focuses on precise definition and control of immunity at the molecular level to tissue level, via extracellular vesicles and exosomes – mediated delivery and biological programming strategies, which can be employed in advancing cancer immunotherapy, regenerative medicine, and precision therapeutics.

Mei He Play Video

Life Cycle of a Drug

Explore research opportunities in the pharmaceutical sciences through five interrelated training concentrations spanning the entire life cycle of a drug.

life cycle of a drug in pharmaceutical sciences

Gator Pharmacy Alumni

Graduates of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy maintain strong ties after graduation and stand ready to support future Gator graduates. No matter where your career or travels take you, it’s likely you will cross paths with a graduate of the UF College of Pharmacy.